Tag Archive | Pentagon

Syrian pilot flies his MiG to Jordan, gets asylum

Syrian pilot flies his MiG to Jordan, gets asylum

BEIRUT—A Syrian fighter pilot on a training mission flew his MiG-21 warplane to neighboring Jordan, where he was

How a US strike on Syria might look: cyberwar could play key role

The Pentagon is planning for a military operation in Syria, which could include a cyberattack on its air defenses. But analysts warn that intervention could spark a costly civil war.

Pentagon: In Syria, Iran Helps Asad, al-Qaida Foments Violence

Pentagon: In Syria, Iran Helps Asad, al-Qaida Foments Violence

Top Pentagon officer urges non-military pressure on Assad

The top U.S. military officer deplored the weekend massacre in Syria on Monday and urged the international community to use diplomatic and economic pressure to end the violence there.